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These programs in the Department of Physics and Geology require an advisor:

Physics (PHY), Geology (GLY), Pre-Engineering (PENG), Engineering Physics, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Technology (MMET); Mechatronics Engineering Technology (MET), Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology (EEET).

If you have declared one of the majors above, then your my²Ø¾«¸ó account should indicate one of the advisors below. If you are unable to reach your advisor or you have questions which are not answered on the , then email Dr. Dirk Grupe, Department Chair. EGT Majors can contact Dr. Seyed Alllameh, Director of Engineering Technology.

General Department Advisors

Physics, Engineering Physics, & Pre-Engineering  


  • Dr. Nilesh Dixit – SC 250 – dixitn1@nku.edu – (859) 572-6907

Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering Technology

Electrical & Electronics Engineering Technology

Mechatronics Engineering Technology